../ | | - | Directory |
12 tips for Increasing Your Effectiveness as a Communicator i.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:29 | 7.6M | audio/x-ms-wma |
7 Habits of Effective Church Leaders.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:28 | 10.5M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Baby Busters - How to Reach a New Generation.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:28 | 6.7M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Building a Purpose Driven Church.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:29 | 5.8M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Developing Dynamic Worship Services.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:27 | 7.8M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Developing a Philosophy of Ministry.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:29 | 10.7M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Developing and Managing Leaders and Staff.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:29 | 7.0M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Discipling Your Leaders for Growth.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:28 | 6.2M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Equipping Your Key Leaders for Success.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:28 | 5.8M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Expanding Pastor Care in Your Church.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:28 | 12.0M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Growing With Your Church.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:29 | 6.3M | audio/x-ms-wma |
How to Communicate Vision.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:27 | 10.1M | audio/x-ms-wma |
How to Get Commitment for Ministry.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:30 | 7.9M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Increase Your Church's Giving in 1990.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:29 | 7.5M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Making Your Church Visitor Friendly.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:28 | 8.8M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Managing Conflict & Change in the Established Church.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:29 | 10.8M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Meta-Church, The Church of the Future.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:30 | 10.7M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Practical Insights for Developing as a Leader.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:28 | 8.7M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Recovery Ministries - Evangelism in the 21st Century.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:30 | 7.6M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Seeking, Finding, and Developing Leaders.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:29 | 7.2M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Spiritual Abuse - When the Good News Becomes Bad News.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:28 | 7.3M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Strategic Planning for the Local Church.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:29 | 9.9M | audio/x-ms-wma |
The Human Side of Ministry.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:29 | 6.4M | audio/x-ms-wma |
The Unchurched - Understanding Them to Reach Them.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:28 | 6.8M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Using Paradigms to Prepare Your Church for Change.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:29 | 6.3M | audio/x-ms-wma |
What Every Leader Should Know About People.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:28 | 7.2M | audio/x-ms-wma |
Working with Your Boards, Committees, and Elders.wma | 2010-Jul-25 08:21:28 | 5.6M | audio/x-ms-wma |